6:30pm, Thursday 9 May 2019
Bar Cleveland
433 Cleveland St, Surry Hills NSW 2010.
Attendees: Andrew Duggan, Nic Martin, David Lloyd, Amanda Cleife, Gin Woods, Emlyn Simpson, Rob Even, Lisa Antill, Ian Schmidt, Paraic Hogan, John Twyman, Nigel Poole, Chris Chung, Vic McNeill, Richard Scriven, Jo Winterbottom, Jonathan Chapman, Stu Hamilton, Angus Wilson, Edel O’Hagan, Nic Papas, Nick Carter, Keith Jones, Darren Russell, Gina Ricardo, Georgia Miansarow, Georgia Whitehouse, Brendan Hancox, Dylan Buckley, Joel Lidden, David Jordan, Stuart Parr, Adi Thakur, Guiseppe Graziano, Richard White
1 Opening of meeting – David Lloyd
2 Apologies
In writing: Brett McLeod, John Pearce, Eva Caprille, Leigh Jackson, Jen Dermody, Tegan Cox, Anna Booth
On the night: Aimee Armstrong, Phoebe Kee, Chris Miller
3 Confirmation of Minutes of previous Annual General Meeting
Moved: John Tyman
Seconded: Stu Hamilton
4 Presentation of Annual Report – Andrew Duggan
5 Adoption of Annual Report
Moved: David Lloyd
Seconded: Gin Woods
6 Presentation of Treasurer’s Statement and Annual Report
– Andrew Duggan on behalf of Jen Dermody
7 Adoption of Treasurer’s Report
Moved: Dylan Buckley
Seconded: Richard Scriven
8 Election of new office bearers. All positions received single nominations prior to the AGM. Motion proposed to accept all positions unopposed.
Moved: Stu Hamilton
Seconded: Ian Schmidt
President Virginia Woods
Secretary David Lloyd
Treasurer Rob Even
Captain Ian Schmidt
Sports Director Emlyn Simpson
Commissaire Andrew Duggan
Development Officer Nic Papas
Student Representative Phoebe Kee
IT & Systems Manager John Twyman
Media & Marketing Manager Victoria McNeill
Events Manager Aimee Armstrong
Sponsorship Manager Angus Wilson
Club Kit Manager Richard Scriven
9 General Business arising from the AGM: Angus Wilson read a statement from Chris Miller expressing gratitude for the ongoing support from the club.
Ian Schmidt spoke to thank past and present committee members for their work behind the scenes to keep the club running.
10 Close